Out and About – Week of March 18th

The name of this column is “Out and About”. Its main purpose is to let you know what’s going on in and around the Three Rivers area. I also try to inject a bit of humor, so that by the time you’ve finished reading the column, you’ll feel more positive about what’s going on in this world and won’t feel we’re all heading down that proverbial toilet towards Hell.

I recently took a week off and flew south to get away from the cold temperatures here in Michigan. I’d like to share that experience of getting Out and About. If you’re familiar with Florida and feel this might be “old-hat”, please feel free to go back to the front page of this newspaper and really get depressed with the national news. If you’re following this on my blog, or if you’re on the WLKM website, you’ll have to wait until my next posting.

I spent the last week of February in Ft. Myers Beach. Six of us rented a house right on the beach. The house is used as a rental, which means it came furnished with everything you would need, except food and a few toiletries. We had the house from Saturday to Saturday.

Our flight arrived on time at 1 PM. Weather was sunny with temps in the high seventies. A bit of a change from the weather we left behind in Michigan. By the time we had claimed our luggage, picked up a rental car and driven an hour to our home for the week, the house was ready. One of the couples arrived a couple hours ahead of us and they had already started to settle in. We all finished unpacking, then went for an early dinner. The evening was spent out on the deck visiting.

Being on vacation, we didn’t have a daily schedule. We didn’t need to set an alarm clock, because there was construction going on outside, so every morning at 7 AM sharp, we heard the “BEEP…BEEP…BEEP” of the construction equipment. If we wanted to go shopping, we went shopping. If we wanted to go to the beach, that’s what we did. The only set plan was that the person who was great at making breakfast, did just that. She would fix us any combination of egg dishes. Lunch was on our own. A sandwich or salad were good examples. We always had a nice dinner out at one of the many restaurants available. If reservations were necessary, the Breakfast Guru handled those. I highly recommend oysters on the half-shell, with or without crackers and sauce.

We didn’t do a lot of the usual tourist things, but chose to just relax on the beach, or visit with other friends from Michigan, who were fortunate enough to spend more than just a week in the sunshine state. As for me, I finally got caught up with my crossword puzzles and even read a book. Another time when Mom would have been proud.

Getting out of town for vacation is always fun. Growing up, I was fortunate to be able to travel with my parents for several weeks during the summer. Like now, it was fun to hit the road and see as much of this great country as you can, but it’s also nice to reach that point in your trip when you see the sign, “Welcome to Pure Michigan”. It’s then you realize there’s no place like home.

Tibetan Proverb

The secret to living well and longer is:

Eat half, walk double, laugh triple, and love without measure.

Here are those last three quotes from Will Rogers:

“The Income Tax has made liars out of more Americans than golf.”
“The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”
“Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.”
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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