Out and About – Week of April 15th

Just think, we have only 364 more days until our taxes are once again due. I can remember having a fear of anyone from the Internal Revenue Service. I’ve had to deal with them a couple of times and have always been happy with the results. They are basically very easy to deal with and are willing to work with you in any way they can to make your life bearable. They do want their money, but they can be quite patient about receiving it.

Here are more of those truthful quotes. Some even make sense:

“No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.” ~ Mark Twain
“What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.” ~ Edward Langley
Lately I’ve had to continue, from week to week, on things I include in this column. Whether it’s Weird Truths, Memorable Quotes, or Rules to Live By. I’d like to think that this might entice you to look forward to my next column. Wishful thinking on my part. Regardless, here are a few more “Rules to Share with Your Children”:

Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
Thank a veteran and then make it up to him or her.
Each lunch with the new kid.
After writing an angry e-mail, read it carefully. Then delete it.
Surprise, surprise! The final suggestions on rules will be concluded next week.

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday. The way I know this is that attendance at church was better than average. Next Sunday is Easter, so if you want a good seat at your place of worship, you’ll want to arrive early.

This Friday is Good Friday. Sort of strange, because every Friday is good, but this Friday is special. Passover begins Friday evening. I wish you all a very joyous season, no matter what your religious preference might be. If religion is not a part of your life, I wish you a wonderful weekend anyway.

Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.

Eat more doughnuts. It’s the original hole food.

Insect puns really bug me.

The American Red Cross will host a blood drive tomorrow, April 17, from 10:30 AM until 5:15 PM at the JOCO Center, 805 Wood Street, in Three Rivers. If you’ve never given blood before, there will be someone there to help you through it. The local blood bank is always in need.

For once, I’d like to give you some advance notice of a very special annual event hosted by the St. Joe County Animal Rescue Fund (ARF). ARF is always in need of donations, and one way of supporting this fine organization is by attending their annual fundraiser. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27 and make plans to attend ARF’s Mostaccioli Dinner and Auction. The fun begins at 5:30 PM at the Three Rivers High School cafeteria, located at 700 Sixth Avenue, just east of Armstrong Field. Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for children. Advance tickets are available at Beam Sound and Video, 1115 West Michigan Avenue, in Three Rivers.

The city of Three Rivers is partnering with Waste Management to provide a one-time removal of items from residential properties. All items are to be placed on the property’s terrace next to the curb. Here’s the pick-up schedule: First District – April 29; Second District – April 30; Third District – May 1; and Fourth District – May 2.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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