Out and About – Week of April 1st

Thirteen can be an unlucky number for some folks, but for me it’s quite lucky. I’ve been pecking away at this column for thirteen years this month. It doesn’t seem that long. With any luck at all, I’ll keep plugging away for several more years. I want to thank everyone for the kind comments that I’ve received. I’ll do my best to keep you in a positive state of mind. I’ll also do what I can to make you chuckle a little more. What we all need is more laughter and a better understanding of each other.

A week from Saturday, April 13, will be a busy day, if you don’t mind traveling fifteen or twenty miles north to Portage and Kalamazoo.

The Kalamazoo Concert Band, which includes several musicians from Three Rivers, will offer a FREE performance at 7:30 PM on the thirteenth. The venue is the Chenery Auditorium, located in downtown Kalamazoo. Entitled “One Small Step”, the concert will feature the winner of the 2019 Kalamazoo Concert Band Youth Soloist Competition. Admission is FREE and so is the parking.

Well known past resident of Three Rivers, Dick Ward, will be inducted into the Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame at a ceremony at the Air Zoo, 6151 Portage Road, Portage, Michigan. The ceremony will run from 5:30 until 9 PM and will highlight Dick’s life and contributions to the world of aviation. Dick was an aircraft pilot/mechanic, flight instructor and maintenance inspector. He was a qualified pilot of the Ford Tri-Motor from the Air Zoo. To learn more and purchase tickets for the ceremony, please visit the Air Zoo’s website at: www.airzoo.org/events-at-the-airzoo/event/1318995.

Think about this: When you clean out a vacuum cleaner, you become a vacuum cleaner.

A place that offers items FREE of charge is very hard to find these days. However, there is such a place and it’s right here in Three Rivers. The Stone House, or as it is sometimes referred to, The Free Store, is located directly behind the First Presbyterian Church on North Main Street, in Three Rivers. Located at the corner of West and Bennett Streets, the store is open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 AM until 1 PM. It is staffed by volunteers, who do their best to see that everyone gets what they need when it comes to clothing and housewares. They also take donations.

I was struck by a bottle of Omega 3 pills. Luckily, my wounds were only super fish oil.

Sometime ago, I shared a set of rules a parent should share with their children. I’ll list some of them now and more in next week’s column. Most of these make a lot of sense:

Never shake a person’s hand while sitting down.
When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.
If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.
Don’t enter a pool by way of the stairs.
In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
When staying at a hotel, request a late check-out.
Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gasoline.
When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
Life without music would b flat.

As I venture Out and About, I am amazed at what I see happening in this world. Over the years, I’ve learned many things. I’ve discovered that there are three things that just about always tell the truth:

Small children.
Drunk people.
Yoga pants.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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