Out and About – Week of May 13th

Here’s some more information about future road construction planned for the Three Rivers area: 2019 construction includes re-configuring the US-131/M-60 interchange to a standard signalized intersection, reconstructing the US-131/Hoffman Road intersection, and any temporary paving necessary for planned 2020 construction.

Looking ahead to 2020, we can look forward to the construction of a boulevard from Broadway Street to Hoffman Road. This would include removing the northbound M-60 ramp to West Michigan Avenue, and adding a shared-use path along northbound US-131 from West Broadway Street to Arnold Street, plus putting in a new sidewalk along southbound US-131 from Broadway Street to Kerr Creek Road. Just another example of our tax dollars going to work.

For a project map you can enlarge, go to: www.michigan.gov/documents/mdot/1.out by Norm Stutesman

If you suck at playing the trumpet, that’s probably why.

Next Saturday, May 18, is Armed Forces Day. Another day to recognize those men and women who are currently serving in our Armed Forces. It’s also a day to post the colors and fly Old Glory. There was a time when everyone flew the Stars and Stripes outside their homes. Perhaps we should renew that tradition.

Besides being Armed Forces Day, next Saturday is also Community Clean-Up Day here in Three Rivers. The city is in dire need of volunteers to help spruce up the city for spring. If you find yourself complaining about the cleanliness around town, this is your chance to help make a difference and be a part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. Registration for being a part of the solution begins promptly at 8:30 AM at the Chamber of Commerce Office, 57 North Main, in historic downtown Three Rivers. Help is needed in the planting of flowers, weeding, picking up trash, painting and much more. The more folks that show up, means the tasks will be done quicker and more fun will be had by all. For more information, please phone 269-535-5145.

After you have celebrated Armed Forces Day and volunteered to help clean-up the downtown business district of Three Rivers, you should be super hungry. Here’s a solution to your hunger, and a way to make the entire family happy. Take the family to the First Church of God, 17398 M-86, just a little south of Three Rivers and treat everyone to a fantastic spaghetti dinner. The spaghetti promises to be delicious and the price can’t be beat, because it’s all FREE. Dinner will be served from 5 to 7 PM.

If you don’t like music puns, you have my symphony.

I’m fortunate to have readers who enjoy sharing their “Household Hints” with me. Some of them are pretty good and I’d like to share some with you. Sort of like paying it forward. I won’t guarantee that they work, but it’s worth a try. Enjoy:

By setting a dish of hot water in your oven, your cakes being baked will not burn.
A quart of water mixed with a tablespoon of ammonia is an excellent glass cleaner..
Celery, lettuce and most other vegetables may be re-freshened by adding a little lemon juice to some cold water. Let the vegetables stand in it for a few hours. The acid brings back the crispness without destroying the flavor.
He who laughs last, didn’t get it.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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