Out and About – Week of August 12th

I’ve mentioned this before, but feel it bears repeating. I’ve heard that if you see a tank truck dropping gasoline at your local gas station, it might be advisable to wait several hours before you fill your tank at that station. It’s rumored that as a tanker fills the gas tanks, the gasoline already in the tanks gets stirred up. As a result, any impurities or dirt in the tank are no longer sitting on the bottom. The choice is yours. If you own a hybrid, you probably don’t need to worry. However, you still might want to pull in and have your turn signal fluid checked. Evidently there are many cars out there with low levels, because the turn signals don’t seem to work that well.

This is the season for blood drives. The American Red Cross will host a blood drive on Wednesday, August 14, at the JOCO Hall, 805 Wood Street in Three Rivers, The hours for rolling up your sleeve and donating are from 11:30 AM until 5:15 PM.

Scidmore Park, located directly across from the fire station on West Michigan Avenue, in Three Rivers, is the home of a well-known petting zoo. Children of all ages are invited to stop by the zoo this Saturday, August 17, from 1 until 2 PM. Jamie Cardella will be there with her Nubian goats. A perfect opportunity to take the kids out to meet other kids.

We’ve all had an occasion when we wish we could say something that might shock someone just a little, or make the person you encounter wish they had avoided you. Here are a couple of examples:

If you’re sitting in a public place and a stranger sits next to you, you might try staring straight ahead and say, “Did you bring the money?”
If a friend asks you what you did over the weekend, just squint and ask, “Why, what did you hear?”
If you know you are receiving a call from a telemarketer, answer the phone and say, “Hello, you’re on the air.” In most cases they’ll hang up. “Hello, City Morgue.” works also
Tomorrow, August 14, marks the seventy-fourth anniversary of the date Japan surrendered, which ended World War II. It is also National Navajo Code Talkers Day. So as not to be forgotten, this Friday, August 16 is National Airborne Day. Who says you can’t learn anything from this column?

Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it.

For those interested in traveling internationally, you may do so without crossing any body of water. I’m not talking about traveling to Mexico, but am thinking of Canada. In my lifetime, I’ve met some great people from our neighbors to the north, and have been privileged to travel through many of the provinces. Here are some facts about Canada that might interest you:

Peterborough, Ontario is the canoe capital of the world.
Canada has more lakes than all other countries combined. 250,000 in Ontario alone.
All letters to Santa end up in Canada, and volunteers reply in over 200 languages.
Canada has more donut shops per capita than anywhere else.
Canada’s literary rate is over 99%.
Canada is the largest exporter of blueberries in the world.
Two more true definitions:

YAWN: An honest opinion openly expressed.
WRINKLES: Something other people have….similar to my character lines.
See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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