Septic Smart Week begins

The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency is joining the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in kicking off its seventh annual “Septic Smart Week” beginning Monday.

The purpose is to encourage homeowners and communities to properly maintain their septic systems.

Paul Andriacchi, director of environmental health at the Community Health Agency, said people often forget about their septic systems, as systems typically function on their own without too much upkeep.

More than 1.3 million homes and businesses in Michigan depend on septic systems to treat wastewater. If not maintained, failing septic systems can contaminate groundwater and harm the environment by releasing bacteria, viruses and household toxics to local waterways, Andriacchi said.

Proper septic system maintenance protects public health, the environment, and saves the homeowner money by avoiding costly repairs, he added.

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