Commission approves exceptions to hiring freeze

Three requests for an exception to the hiring freeze were approved by the St. Joseph County Board of Commissioners this week.

During Tuesday’s meeting, commissioners approved a request by sheriff Jason Bingaman for animal control support assistant. The $47,000 position will become vacant in six weeks and involves licensing, kennel management, data entry and other duties.

Commissioners also approved a family division caseworker to fill a juvenile probation officer’s position, which will become available in May due to a retirement. The annual budget allocation for the position is $65,000.

The final position was for a secretary for MSU Extension.

Commissioners also renewed the county’s agreement with MSU Extension for 2020.

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One comment

  1. I am failing to grasp the point to putting a hiring freeze in place as every week I see more exceptions. It would appear that the “hiring freeze” is more to make the commissioners look like they are holding the line on costs but then nickel and dime the public to death.

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