Out and About – Week of June 8th

I really enjoy oriental food. However, I’m not a big fan of the hot-spicy entrees. I enjoy eggrolls, noodles, and especially rice of all varieties. There is a brand of rice called “Uncle Ben’s”. By looking at a box of Uncle Ben’s Rice, you can see that Uncle Ben is more African American than of Oriental decent. Because of the lack of anything better to do, I decided to check into this Uncle Ben gentleman and find out how he became involved in the rice business. This is what I found out:

The original Uncle Ben was a black rice farmer who lived in Texas. His rice crop was renowned rice was so good that the other farmers would compare their rice to his and proudly claim that it was “as good as Uncle Ben’s”.

In the late 1940s, two of the founders of Converted Rice Inc., which later became Uncle Ben’s Inc., were having dinner at their favorite Chicago restaurant. They were trying to figure out how they might better market their “converted” rice in the United States. They were both familiar with the Uncle Ben quality story and decided to call their product Uncle Ben’s Converted Brand Rice. They decided to manufacture it in the rice-growing area around Houston, where Uncle Ben was said to have farmed.

The restaurant’s maitre’d, Frank Brown, was a close friend of the two men. They talked him into posing for the famous Uncle Ben portrait that is still on the company’s boxes today.

“Ask not what staying home on the couch can do for you, but ask what staying home on the couch can do for your country.”

A week or so ago, I went into detail about sleeping and the fact that taking naps might not be a bad idea. I also mentioned that it’s important to control the length of your nap. Long naps are not the best thing. Naps of forty minutes or more everyday could easily be linked to metabolic syndrome. It’s a combination of health conditions that include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and too much belly fat. All of these make heart disease more likely. Napping less than thirty minutes doesn’t raise and might even lower the risk of metabolic syndrome.

If you question anything I’ve written about naps, I strongly advise you to check with your family doctor. If you’re like me, I try not to believe everything I read.

Today is “D-Day” plus seventy-six years and four days. Most of the men and women who served in the Armed Forces during World War II have now passed away. Veterans of World War II are hard to find, as are those veterans who served during the Korean war. They are gone, but should never be forgotten. The American Legion, VFW, Marine Corps League, and the Forty and Eight all work hard to make sure their valiant efforts are never forgotten . These organizations all help to assist veterans in need of physical and mental assistance. When you see members of these organizations in front of a store seeking donations, please show your appreciation by donating generously. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

More restrictions have been removed as far as the Covid-19 pandemic is concerned. This means that restaurants and other businesses are now free to open for business. They do this with some restrictions. Restaurants have been ordered to restrict their seating capacity and all patrons must wear masks. If you don’t wish to abide by these rules, you might be asked to leave. You may also have to wait longer than normal for a place to sit and enjoy a meal. The restaurant owners did not make up these rules, so please don’t be upset with them. If you don’t want to abide by the “temporary” rules, I might suggest you continue to use a local drive-thru eatery, or eat at home.

See you Out and About, finally!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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