County commission makes hiring freeze exceptions

Four exceptions were made to the county’s hiring freeze Dec. 15.

St. Joseph County commissioners granted permission for District Court to fill two deputy clerk positions, Juvenile Court to fill its director/referee position and treasurer’s office to hire a deputy treasurer.

In a separate matter, the board heard from emergency services director Erin Goff regarding an update on the 2020 Emergency Action Guidelines.

The update featured a few minor revisions and was approved by commissioners.

Commissioners also approved a resolution honoring Allen Balog and his 10-years of service to the county board. County administrator Teresa Doehring, and commissioners Dennis Allen, Kathy Pangle, Dan Czajkowski and Ken Malone all spoke highly of Balog and thanked him for his commitment to the job.

One other matter of business centered on nominations and appointments. Sarah Apwisch was approved to the St. Joseph County Transportation Authority Board. In addition, Czajkowski, Malone and Rick Shaffer were re-appointed to the county’s Parks and Recreation Commission.

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