Out and About – Week of September 20th

This is the time of the year when it’s not unusual to experience some foggy conditions. Coming into town from one of the many lakes in St. Joe County, it’s not unusual to come in contact with many low areas along the way. This is where you could easily run into fog. Fog shows up when water vapor, or water in its gaseous form, condenses. During condensation, molecules of water vapor combine to make tiny liquid water droplets that hang in the air. Fog usually happens when it’s very humid. There has to be a lot of water vapor in the air for fog to form.

Some have a fear of fog. This is probably due to any number of scary movies out there. If you wonder if fog is bad for you, according to health experts, fog by itself cannot affect the health of a person, but it is the pollutants entangled in fog which are the root cause of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

The St. Joe County Fair is in full swing in Centreville. If you haven’t had the chance to get over there, you’d better hurry. Diamond Rio performs Saturday evening, which will be the finale of this week’s activities. The St. Joe County Fair has the reputation of being one of the best in the state. There’s plenty to do for all members of the family. Parking is FREE this year, so take the entire family over for some fun activities and great food. Elephant Ears are non-fattening as long as you eat them standing up.

September is almost finished and it’s officially Autumn, as of today. October has plenty of reasons to get Out and About before snow flies. Here are just several things to do:

October 2: Downtown Sturgis will host the Sturgis BBQ Fest. I’m sure that napkins are FREE.

October 14-17: The All American Bulldog Show happens in Centreville at the fairgrounds.

October 28: Terry Fator and his friends will perform at the Blue Gate Theater in Shipshewana. Showtime is 8 PM.

October 30: The Michigan Wolverines travel to East Lansing to take on their arch-rivals, the Spartans of Michigan State.

October 30: The city of Coldwater will host a Halloween parade in downtown Coldwater.

As a kid, I had several pets. I raised rabbits, a dog, and even had a goldfish or two. I learned that goldfish require very little attention. You make sure their water is clean and you don’t over-feed them. A dog might live fifteen years, if properly cared for, but a goldfish’s life expectancy is more like a year, if you’re lucky. In most cases, when a goldfish dies, it is given last rites before being flushed down the toilet.

There have been some goldfish owners who have set them free in local ponds, lakes, or rivers. This is not recommended, because they have a tendency to grow depending on their environment. If kept in a small aquarium, they will remain smaller than if placed in a larger tank. Anyway, if released into a lake, they have a tendency to muck up the bottom sediments and uproot plants. Goldfish are a tough species. They can survive under ice, with low oxygen and in unclear water. They can really effect ecosystems.

“Dewhiskered kisses defrost the misses.” ~ BURMA SHAVE

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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