Out and About – Week of November 8th

Wednesday, November 10th, is the birthday of the United States Marine Corps. The Corps will be 246 years old.. If you happen to run into an active duty Marine or a Marine Corps veteran, please honor that Marine by saying, “Happy Birthday, Marine”. For those who might not know, a Marine is not a soldier or GI. A Marine is a Marine. He/She became a Marine when he/she earned the eagle, globe and anchor, and will remain a Marine until the time of death. To all my Marine brothers and sisters, “Happy Birthday, Marine. Ooh-Rah!!”

Thursday is Veterans Day. Please take the time to honor a veteran you know. Thank them for their service. Thanking someone doesn’t cost a thing and the gesture is greatly appreciated.

ARF (Animal Rescue Fund) is finally back in business. They were at this year’s St. Joe County Fair and have had a toenail clinic, and now it’s time to for their annual “Pet Pictures With Santa”.

The venue for this fundraiser is the Three Rivers Lions Club, 420 Sixth Avenue in Three Rivers. The club is located on the west side of M-60, across from the bleachers at Armstrong Field.

ARF will be taking pictures on Saturday, November 20, from noon until 3 PM. The cost is $10 for one pet, and $2 for each additional pet in the picture. Parents and children may be in the picture at no extra cost.

All monies received from these fundraisers help to provide food and care for the unwanted pets here in St. Joe County.

Two weeks from now, November 25th, is Thanksgiving. A time for family and loved ones to gather and give thanks for the many blessings we usually take for granted. If you know of someone living alone, perhaps you might invite them to join you and your family for a delicious meal. If dining out is in your plans, please remember to be extra generous with your gratuity. The restaurant employees are giving up family-time to make sure you’re properly served.

Another idea for Thanksgiving would be to visit a shelter or a nursing home. You should check to find out if this is possible. Perhaps you could help serve the meal, or assist with the residents. If nothing else, you might just spend time visiting. Nursing home residents are often forgotten by family members and are usually happy to just talk with someone interested in them.

If you do have a family member in a nursing home, bring photos of family events, such as school plays, Little League games and other holidays. This will help keep the resident feeling that they are part of the family. If you bring cookies or other treats, make sure to bring enough so they can be shared by other residents.

Because we are now able to move about more freely, and some restrictions have been lifted, here are some special “Don’ts”, when it comes to mingling with others in public:

Don’t stop acquaintances and stand in the center of the sidewalk, or grocery aisle. This forces everyone else to step aside. Instead, draw your acquaintance to one side.
Don’t remove your glove when you wish to shake hands, and don’t apologize for not doing so. It is proper to offer a gloved hand.
Don’t be in haste to introduce. Be sure that it is mutually desired before presenting one person to another.
“Be a modern Paul Revere, spread the news from ear to ear.” – BURMA SHAVE

Submitted by Norm Stutesman


See you Out and About!

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