Out and About – Week of July 25th

There’s a television show on a certain cable network titled “Hoarders”. It deals with those individuals who have difficulty getting rid of things. They aren’t really collectors of valuables such as antiques or hard-to-find things, but are people who have difficulty parting with old magazines, clothing, condiments from fast-food restaurants, or just plane trash.

It’s been said that we should all move every ten years or so, because when we move, we discover things that we had forgotten we owned and we don’t really need them anymore. So get rid of them instead of packing them for the move. Here are some things you might consider throwing away:

Just-in-case items. By looking around your home or garage, I’m sure you’ll find items you don’t want to get rid of, because you might need that item “Just-in-case”. I was once advised to part with a few inexpensive items and give them to someone who might have a need for them right now. If I did need that item, I could easily replace it for a dollar or two.
Photos and Paper. If you have photos that might be blurry and have absolutely no sentimental value, get rid of them. If you have a magazine with an article in it worth saving, cut out the article and get rid of the magazine.
Actual trash. Empty your wastebaskets regularly. Throw out that junk mail piling up on your kitchen counter or the corner of your desk. Shred those papers you don’t need anymore.
Damaged items. A chipped coffee cup, unless it has some sentimental value. Tupperware or other household item missing a lid. If you can’t use it, then trash it.
Stuff you never use. Pairs of old glasses or hearing aids you don’t need. Lions clubs we gladly take these items and have them recycled. Go through your kitchen junk drawer. Broken rubber-bands are of no use anymore. The same can be said for paperclips that are bent out of shape.
Expired medicine in your medicine cabinet. These items should be disposed of properly. If nothing else, return them to your doctor.
The Animal Rescue Fund (ARF) has started to increase their fundraising efforts now that there is a slight relief in the COVID pandemic. These fundraisers are needed to support this non-profit volunteer group of animal lovers here in St. Joe County. The volunteers have begun preparations for a very popular fundraiser, their annual summer “Doggy Wash”.

This year’s “Doggy Wash” is scheduled for Saturday, August 6, from 9AM to 3 PM.  As usual, the cost is a donation of your choice to ARF. The “Doggy Wash” fundraiser will be held at the Fabius/Park fire station, located on Broadway Road, just west of US-131, in Three Rivers.

ARF would like everyone to know that there is a need for rescue/foster homes for four little kittens who need veterinary care. ARF will provide the care. These kittens need homes where they can receive personal care until they are healthy enough to find their forever homes. If your heart is big enough to help with these kittens, please contact Helen at (269)718-3775.

Mark your calendar and bring Fido out for the “Doggy Wash” on Saturday, August 6. Bring the entire family along to watch that four-legged member of the family get a bath.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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