Discussion continues – American Rescue Plan funds for SJC

The process of how St. Joseph County will administer $1 million of its American Rescue Plan Act funds was discussed during the county commission’s executive committee meeting last week.

Commissioners entertained a number of options regarding the money and its recipients.

In the end, it was decided the five county board members will individually review the 28 different requests submitted for funding consideration.

The situation arose after the county last year learned it would receive $11.8 million in one-time, federal funds. Commissioners eventually agreed $1 million of that amount would be designated “external funding” and awarded on a by-request basis.

The month-long window for requests closed at the end of July and last week’s executive committee meeting was the first opportunity for commissioners to chart the next step of the process.

Commissioners are expected to complete their part of the task over a two-week period starting in early September.

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