Out and About – Week of August 15th

Last week I shared a few ways to eat more economically. Here are a some ways to save when it comes to getting Out and About:

You can easily increase your gas mileage by braking less and coasting more. Don’t just steer your vehicle, drive it. Try accelerating gently and coasting toward red lights and stop signs. Let the idiots rev their engines and lay rubber when starting out at an intersection.
Get an app for your phone that lets you know where the better gas prices are located.
Avoid getting your gas tank filled up when a tanker truck is unloading at your station. As the fuel is being unloaded, it is stirring up the fuel already in the underground tank. This means that any dirt that has settled at the bottom of the tank is now capable of being placed in your vehicle. The stirred up fuel could easily clog your fuel filter.
Ignore the oil-change sticker on your windshield. Many newer cars use a synthetic oil that doesn’t need to be changed as frequently as it used to be. The best thing to do is check your owners manual.
Sell your vehicle privately. Used cars are going for a premium these days. You are very likely to make more selling your car yourself than trading it in to a dealer.
The Three Rivers Lions Club, 420 Sixth Avenue, in Three Rivers will be the venue for Dan’s Fish Fry, this Friday, August 19. This is an “ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT event which will benefit the Three Rivers Promise. Fish and Chicken Tenders will be available from 4 till 7 PM. This is one of those times when you can take the entire family out to dinner for a very reasonable price. The cost for adults is $12 and children ages 6 to 12 can eat for just $7. Take out orders are, of course, available. Advance ticket purchases are available at the Riviera Theatre and Lowry’s Books, or you may pay at the door for an additional one dollar. Pre-orders are available by calling (269)273-2665.

Air travel can be quite stressful these days. Many flights are canceled due to under-staffing. If your flight plans include larger airports, then you have long lines and long walks to deal with. To make more money, the airlines have added more seats, which results in cramped seats and little leg room. Dr. Shah, a spine and neck surgeon has offered four tips which might help you to arrive at your destination free of back pain. Here are four ways that might help make those skies more friendly:

Stretching. Sitting in one position for more than an hour or two can worsen existing back pain. Try standing and stretching once every hour. If possible, walk the aisle. Your back and neck will appreciate it.
Posture. While seated, keep your head level over your pelvis. Try not to bend your knees and hips more than ninety degrees. If possible, remove your shoes. Your feet will appreciate it.
Lifting. As always, it’s best to lift with your legs and refrain from twisting your lower back.
Back/neck support. Placing a pillow behind your back can help prevent slouching while in flight. A neck pillow can help provide support to the neck muscles.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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