Out and About – Week of August 1st

COVID-19 really put our lives in a tailspin. I don’t recall anything in my that has affected our lives as much as the COVID pandemic. Over the past two years, COVID-19 has caused some rather unusual symptoms throughout our bodies and research has shown that our fingernails and toenails are not immune. Here are several of those symptoms:

Changes in the Lunula. The lunula is that half-moon shape at the base of the nail. Your thumbnail has the biggest, while the pinkie nail is the smallest. If the lunula extends almost to the top of the nail, this might signal cirrhosis, chronic renal failure or congestive heart failure. According to the Mayo Clinic, this might just be attributed to aging. If a lunula has a bluish tint, or is red in color, you should have your family physician check it out during your next visit.
Spoon Nails. If your nails are soft and the center looks as though it has been scooped out, it may be a sign of an iron issue. Perhaps your body isn’t getting enough iron, or too much. The Mayo Clinic says this might be a sign of a condition known as hemochromatosis.
Clubbed Nails. These nails curve around an enlarged fingertip. This might be a sign of a cardiovascular or pulmonary problem. It can also occur alongside gastrointestinal problems.
Thin or Brittle Nails. A thyroid disorder may be to blame, or the nails might just need more attention or better care. TLC might include applying Vaseline after bathing. Wearing rubber gloves when doing dishes or working with chemicals will help and possibly prevent the nails from becoming brittle. Of course, eating a well-balanced diet always helps in many ways.

The site of a food truck on a corner lot has become quite common lately. They don’t seem to be presenting much competition to other local eateries and the public seems to enjoy the novelty.

If you’re a “Food Truck” fan, this Friday, August 5, you’ll want to venture over to the Three Rivers High School student parking lot. There will be a Food Truck Rally going on from 4 to 7 PM. The rally will be in partnership with the TRHS Marching Band to raise funds for the Three Rivers Promise, a very worthy cause. Some of the vendors selling their tasty treats will be Weenie Kings, Buck Yeah Burgers, Taqueria El Tajanco, GG’s Cookies and Meme’s Kitchen. As a special attraction, the TRHS Marching Band will perform at 6 PM.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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