Out and About – Week of August 22nd

Because this column deals with getting Out and About, I thought it was about time to do just that. A week ago, we met my brother for lunch in Marshall, Michigan. When I think of Marshall, the first thing that comes to mind is Win Schulers restaurant. I haven’t been there in over fifty years, so I’m not sure if it still has the reputation of being an establishment where gentlemen wear a tie and jacket. There aren’t many places like that anymore, and that in my mind, is a shame. People don’t dress up that much anymore. Anyway, Marshall has many eateries to choose from and as long as you wear shoes, you are always welcome. We were all wearing shoes, so we didn’t have any difficulty finding a nice place to gather for a bite to eat and a chance to catch up on what is going on in everyone’s life.

Marshall has a very nice downtown area with plenty of free parking. During our brief stay, we were able to stroll through the main business district and check out some of the little shops. A baby boutique, a couple of book stores, arts and crafts shops, a jewelry store or two, and even a tattoo parlor, were open and there to welcome you. The downtown area is much like Three Rivers when it comes to the age of the buildings. There weren’t that many vacant stores and one doesn’t need to look far for a bench to sit down on and just watch the world pass you by.

I’m sure Marshall has other business areas, but like Three Rivers, it’s sometimes nice to have an area where you can sit on a bench and daydream about the way things were fifty or sixty years ago.

Car prices are getting out of control. Even used cars are more expensive these days. As a result, we are all trying to take better care of our vehicles. Not only are we paying closer attention to the scheduled maintenance due, but we are trying to take care of the vehicle’s appearance. Living in Michigan means we must deal with all the junk they put down on the roads during the winter months to keep us on the roads. Here are some things to consider when it comes to keeping your car or truck looking good, while at the same time retaining their value:

Apply some bug and tar remover to the front of your vehicle before getting it washed.
Tires and wheel coverings can get dirty fast. Scrub them with soap and water, then apply a commercial tire spray or foam. Not only will your tires look better, but they may last longer.
Give your car a good waxing at least once a year. Should the finish appear dull, then have it professionally buffed out. This can be done over twenty-five times without hurting the paint.
When cleaning the interior, use a foam cleaner for the carpet and seats. Mild soap and water works better on your dash then those sprays that make the dash shiny.
It seems that the use of proper grammar is a lost art. We are a society where proper grammar and penmanship just aren’t that important. For those who care, here are some things to remember when speaking:

Don’t say don’t for does not. Don’t is a contraction of do not, not of does not. Hence, “he don’t” is not permissible. Say, “He doesn’t,” or use the words in full.
Don’t say “I seen,” say “I saw.” This error is commonly made by the same people who say “I done it.” A similar error is “If he had went,” instead of “If he had gone.”

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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