Out and About – Week of September 19th

I’m sorry, but here are the last five names of things we didn’t think had names. I’ll keep looking:

Dysnaia: The condition of finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning.
Griffonage: Illegible hand-writing.
Tittle: The dot over an “i” or a “j”.
Crapulence: That sick feeling you get from eating or drinking too much.
Bannock Device: The metallic device used to measure your feet at the shoe store.
Tomorrow, Thursday, September 22, is the first day of Autumn. This means that we will only have to mow our lawns one or two more times. It also means that we will soon be raking those leaves that decorate the trees with the brilliant fall colors. It would be nice if those fall colors would stick around for a few more weeks. I have memories of raking the leaves to the curb, then burning them so that we could all enjoy the smell of autumn. Unfortunately, the smell of burning leaves must remain in our memory banks unless you want to gather the family and venture into the countryside. Country folk have the privilege of burning leaves and roasting marshmallows over the burning embers.

Next Sunday, September 25, is Gold Star Mother’s Day. If you are a Gold Star Mother, I thank you for your sacrifice. Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Sunday. Shalom.

If you are a resident of Centreville, the population of your village has increased for just this week. The St. Joseph County Grange Fair is happening now. Many of you are earning a few extra bucks by just staying at home and letting fair patrons park on your property. I thank you for doing your part in making the fair a success.

Fair Week is the one time that the youth of our county can display their talents by showcasing their 4-H projects. Whether you are raising livestock or displaying your talents with arts and crafts, you are a true example of what young folks can do with the proper guidance. I applaud each and every one of you.

Once again, there will be courtesy golf carts on the fairgrounds. They are available to transport you almost anywhere you need to go on the grounds. The rides are FREE and will take you as close as they can to the attraction of your choice. Please remember where you parked. It comes in handy when you are ready to return to your car and are too tired to walk the distance. There are at least four stations where you may wait for the next passing golf cart. You may also flag one down as it approaches you. The carts run from around 8AM until 10PM. A special thank you to the cart sponsors. Their generosity makes the availability of the carts possible.

One final word on the Courtesy Carts. Tipping is not allowed, no matter how much you appreciate the ride. A simple “Thank You” is all the drivers need. It’s their privilege to give you a lift.

A few parting words of wisdom:

Parts of life are left to chance.
Most things in life are taken for granted.
Believe in yourself with all your tenacity.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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