Out and About – Week of September 26th

I had the privilege of providing Courtesy Cart transportation at the St. Joseph County Grange Fair last week. I drove a total of twenty-four hours over six days and enjoyed every moment. The fair didn’t seem as busy as previous years and there were many empty booths in the Merchant Barns. The rides looked exciting and fun to watch. I’ve never been one to enjoy being flipped upside down and experiencing excessive G-Force. Therefore, my name didn’t appear in the latest “Top Gun” movie.

Kudos to everyone who had a part in making this year’s fair fun for everyone. Sheriff Lillywhite, you and your team did an excellent job keeping everyone safe. A special thanks to all the volunteers who manned the entrance gates, including the Centreville Lions Club. All the Lions lived up to their motto of “We Serve”. Nurse Betty, the fair just wouldn’t be the same without you. You were there to provide the care that was needed when someone needed some TLC. I could go on and on with the accolades, but this column is just so long. One final kudo to Harry and his team of “Sparkies”. Without you and your team, we would have been kept in the dark. That would not have been very nice.

If you didn’t make it to the fair, you missed a lot of fun and the opportunity to meet old acquaintances. Lets all try to get Out and About at the fair next September.

The major travel season is coming to a close. The next busiest travel time will be over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. However, now is a very good time to travel if you are able, because it’s the off-season. Off-season travel is not only cheaper, but it can be more relaxing than dealing with the in-season crowds. The beaches are likely to be deserted and you have a chance at dining at a fine restaurant without having a reservation.

If you’re retired, every day can be a Saturday, but if you’re still working and your job permits it, have your weekends in the middle of the week. Most inns and resorts offer lower rates on weekdays than on weekends. Some may offer Sunday through Thursday packages. With prices constantly on the rise, we must all look a harder to find bargains we deserve.

Dining out is one of my favorite things to do. Growing up, I was taught manners when it comes to dining out. I was not allowed to leave the dinner table until I had asked to be excused. That was back when families had dinner together. It’s not unusual to see people at a restaurant using their cell phones to communicate with others, check their e-mails, or play computer games. We recently noticed a couple having breakfast out and they didn’t say anything to each other. They were too busy on their cell phones. Here are some things to remember when you are not dining alone:

Don’t leave your spoon in your tea or coffee cup. Let the spoon lie in the saucer if available.
Don’t smear a slice of bread with butter; break it into small pieces, and then butter.
Don’t read a newspaper, book or letters at the table, if others are seated with you.
As a guest, don’t fold your napkin when you are finished. Place the napkin loosely on the table.
Eat slowly so as not to finish your meal before everyone else. If at home, don’t clear the table of dirty dinnerware until everyone has finished eating.
If your hostess is serving dessert, do not start eating your dessert until the hostess is seated and has taken her first bite.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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