Former HOA president repays stolen funds

A former lake association president has pleaded no contest to embezzling nearly $30,000 from a St. Joseph County homeowners association.

Allan Malesh, 84, entered the plea in St. Joseph County Circuit Court Oct. 24 in response to a charge of embezzlement from a nonprofit organization.

Malesh’s attorney, Ed Hettinger, presented a check for more than $20,000 to repay the remainder of the $29,804 taken from the Washburn Lake Homeowners Association’s bank account while Malesh was president.

Assistant Attorney General Robert Hayes reduced the 10-year felony to a misdemeanor after full restitution. Judge Paul Stutesman did not impose any jail time, but lectured and admonished Malesh for stealing from the association over an 11-year period.

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One comment

  1. We have just moved from a condo which appears to have a similar problem. I applaud the fact that SOMEONE actually investigated these claims. HOA’s tend to have little oversight so it extremely difficult to get action taken. My problem with this is that this man stole from his neighbors for years but simply got a lecture since he made restitution. This seems to continue the current trend of not really holding people responsible for their actions. Six months in county might give others pause before trying something similar.

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