Out and About – Week of October 24th

What month is this and what season are we in? We’ve been experiencing temperatures in the forties and fifties for a couple of days, then over the weekend we enjoyed temps in the seventies. We’ve had cloudy days, rainy days and just plane chilly days. There is no doubt in my mind that we are living in the state of Michigan, where the skies are not cloudy everyday.

Here are the facts. We’re in the last week of October, the season is autumn, the fall colors have peaked here in St. Joe County, we’ve had a few snow flurries, and it’s time to get off the couch and get ready for the cold, snow, icy roads and sunless days. Here’s my list of things to do, and I invite all of you to join me in the fun:

Run that lawn mower out of gas, or add some form of additive to the fuel supply. While you’re paying attention to the lawn machine, you might as well have the blades sharpened and belts adjusted. Don’t forget to clean under the deck and get rid of that grass that may have accumulated. You might want to put a few drops of oil on the moving parts, which would include around the wheels.
Make sure you have a snow shovel or two in a handy place. It isn’t any fun scrounging around in your overloaded garage looking for a shovel when you have six feet of snow between your back door and the door of your garage.
If you own a snowblower, make sure you have a clean spark plug and plenty of gasoline. You don’t want to run out of gas and discover that the extra gas can is still empty. I don’t recommend using gasoline that has been sitting around since last season, even though you only paid $3.00 a gallon for it. I keep my extra gasoline locked up in a safe somewhere.
Halloween is next Monday, October 31. This is a special time for kids of all ages, because they will have the opportunity to get dressed up as their super heroes, goblins, or any other character that their imagination can dream up. They will then go door-to-door seeking treats from anyone that might have their outdoor lights on. Hopefully, their parents will be with them to make sure they say “Thank You” to those generous neighbors. These creatures of the night will be wearing masks, which will hinder their sight, so we must all be on the lookout for them as they cross the streets. The city of Three Rivers has listed the hours from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM as the hours set aside for trick or treating.

The next two months are probably two of the happiest of the year. November has Thanksgiving, a time to gather with family and friends and overeat a little. December has Christmas, another time to gather with family. It’s not too early to buy that Thanksgiving turkey. The stores have turkeys all year, so they are available. You might want to purchase yours before the prices increase.

There are some brave souls who start their Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving. This day has been tagged as “Black Friday”. I prefer to refer to it as “Black and Blue Friday”. If you’ve ever experienced this day, you’ll understand what I mean. I’ve learned to shop for those “stocking-stuffers” in late spring. If you insist in participanting in “Black Friday”, please check with your family doctor and get a stress test first.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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