Out and About – Week of October 3rd

Everyone complains about the weather, but there is very little we can do about it. All we can do is pay attention to the forecasts and prepare for the worst. A good example is living in Florida and dealing with Hurricane Ian. Mother Nature must have been really upset when she unleashed the wrath on the Gulf Coast and other parts of the Sunshine State. There were those who heeded the advice of the authorities and got the heck out of there. There were others who decided to stand their ground and face the wrath head-on. We’ve seen and heard their stories on the evening news.

We don’t have many hurricanes here in Pure Michigan, but we have been known to deal with some weather extremes. This past summer we experienced at least two storms that knocked out the power here at the lake. We lost a flag pole and sustained some damage to our pontoon. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s Putin’s fault along with the war in Ukraine.

With winter just around the corner and the rumored climate changes, I’m thinking that its not too early to plan for a brutal winter season. We’ve been lucky the past several years and it’s time we received our share of snow and below zero temperatures. Why should Buffalo, New York have all the fun? One of my heroes is Tom Orr of Mountain Men fame. Like Tom, I’m thinking of striking out by myself and go hunting for Elk. I’d like to bring back enough meat so that my family will have enough protein to last out the winter. I wonder if Aldis has Elk in stock, or if I would have to go to Meijer.

On a more serious note, we all should make sure our pantries are well stocked with the vitals, just in case we become snowbound. Remember the winter of 1978?

The same advice would apply to our cars and trucks. How are the tires? Is the tire tread safe enough to get us through the snow and ice? During the winter months, we should make sure we have a blanket or two, plus at least one flashlight with new batteries in our vehicle. My father suggested that during the winter, our fuel gauge shouldn’t show less than half a tank of fuel. We shouldn’t forget that blue juice needed to keep our windshields clean. A good windshield scraper comes in handy also.

I’m sorry to get all of you depressed. We still have Indian Summer to look forward to and all the lovely fall colors. Michigan has the best of all four seasons. The best we can do is make the best of each season and remember, if you don’t care for the weather, wait five or ten minutes and it will change.

“The darkest hour in any man’s life is when he sits down to plan to get money without earning it.” ~ HORACE GREELY

Yom Kippur began yesterday at Sundown. I wish all my Jewish friends, especially my brother and his son Josh, a joyous season. Shalom!

Next Monday, October 10, is Columbus Day. I’m not sure if it’s a National holiday. If the post office is closed and your trash is not picked up, that would be the reason.

Behold the turtle. He only makes progress when his neck is out.

How many of you only watch TV programs on the major networks? According to Nielsen, the median American household has three subscriptions to streaming services and pay $20 to $29.99 per month for them.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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