Tax incentive approved for Sturgis redevelopment project

Sturgis City Commission members last week approved a 12-year tax incentive resolution for a downtown redevelopment project.

The Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act provides for a tax incentive to help redevelop older buildings in which a facility is contaminated, blighted or functionally obsolete. The goal is to rehabilitate older buildings into vibrant commercial and mixed-use projects. The tax incentives under OPRA freeze local property taxes for up to 12 years, exempting the property from local property tax on improvements made.

In June, the city commission approved an OPRA district for the property at 105 W. Chicago Road, owned by Harrison Investment Properties. Harrison has submitted an application for an OPRA certificate and is redeveloping the property. The first-floor is intended to be retail space for a business tenant.

Two one-bedroom apartments are set for development on the second floor, and one two-bedroom apartment is planned for the third floor. Additional improvements will include cleanup of the front facade, a new roof and new windows.

It is anticipated that the investment in the project will be $600,000.

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