Out and About – Week of November 7th

I’ve never been very good when it comes to working with arts and crafts. I attribute it to my lack of imagination. I do, however, enjoy visiting displays of crafty things. I’m always amazed at the talent that is on display at these events. Norton Elementary School, located at 59692 Arthur L. Jones Road, just west of Three Rivers, will host the Norton Craft Fair on Saturday, November 19, from 9 AM until 3:30 PM. There will be plenty of crafts on display, vendors, and a few food trucks there in case you get hungry while perusing the many displays. If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact these two sights: Mshelton@trschools.org and Mchiddister@trschools.org.

I apologize for not reminding you about the time change that happened early Sunday morning. Sunday, the sixth of this month, Daylight Savings Time ended at 2 AM. We were all able to get an extra hour’s worth of sleep. Hopefully, someday someone will make the decision to do away with the time changing twice a year.

Tuesday is Election Day. Hopefully, everyone does their duty and makes it to the polls. If you decide not to vote, then you really don’t have any right to complain about the election results.

This Friday, November 11, is Veterans Day. On this day we honor all veterans and remember the signing of the World War I Armistice in 1918. This was the war to end all wars.

Happy Birthday to all Marines! Thursday, November 10, you will be 247 years old. SEMPER FI!!

Several more uses for coffee filters:

Weigh chopped foods. Use when weighing chopped foods on the kitchen scale.
Use for wrappers of messy foods such as tacos.
Use to line a plant pot. It will prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes.
Are you tired of paying service fees on your credit card? If you’re paying a service fee or annual membership fees, call your credit card people. Sometimes they will waiver those fees just because you asked them to do it. It worked for me. You’ll never know unless you ask.

It’s very easy to get depressed when you watch the evening news. Whether it’s the war in Ukraine, the senseless killings, or a disagreement in the tunnel of a football stadium, it’s difficult to imagine our society every becoming a loving one. When will we all start getting along with each other? When will it be safe to attend any social event without fear of getting hurt? I long for a story on the evening news which might cause a tear to be shed, because the story dealt with some child who did something for someone other than himself. A story that might re-instilled the hope that everything is going to be alright. Back in 1986, Admiral William Crowe, a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spoke at the Commencement Excersises of the University of Oklahoma. He is quoted as saying, “No matter what you read in the newspapers and see on television, we are all going to make it. For two hundred years, this country has muddled through one crisis after another, and we have done it without changing our form of government.” Many a mother has said pretty much the same thing while comforting a child, when it seems that the child’s world was caving in on them.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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