Out and About – Week of December 26th

This is the last edition of Out and About for 2022. I’m taking the rest of the year off.

2022 has been quite a year. We have made progress in dealing with COVID-19. For many of us, it has become another illness much like the flu. If you haven’t had it yet, the chances are you will experience it sometime. All we can do is continue taking the necessary precautions to stay healthy.

Now that Christmas has passed and the busy shopping days are behind us, it’s a good time to shop for next year. Christmas decorating items, such as wrapping paper, are now on sale. Get ready for next year and save a few bucks. Lights and tree decorations are also on sale.

If you didn’t happen to get any household appliances, you’ll probably want to take care of those items that eventually do wear out. Here are a few examples on how to prolong the life of those handy devices:

Coffee maker: Once every two or three months, run a cycle with no coffee grounds. Take a full pot of equal parts distilled vinegar and water and run it through a cycle. This process will remove built-up residue and mineral deposits. Then run two or three more water-only cycles to remove any vinegar taste. A good idea is to also clean the area where the water sprays into the coffee ground container.
Toaster: Crumbs tend to accumulate at the bottom of the toaster. There should be a crumb door or a tray at the bottom that can be emptied quite easily. It’s not a good idea to shake the toaster upside down, because some crumbs may lodge in the crevices and cause damage.
Electric fans: Make sure the fan is in a level position when operating. If the fan is in a tilted position, it will strain the motor.

New Years Eve is this weekend. A time to celebrate and welcome in the new year. A reminder that the St. Joe County Transportation Authority will once again offer FREE rides that evening. For more information, give them a call at (269)273-7808. The best advice to follow is if you drink, don’t drive.

I’ll close out this year with a few words of wisdom:

It isn’t what you do, it’s the way you do it.
Don’t make commitments you don’t plan to keep.
Sometimes things that hurt, teach.
Teaching someone to do something is like relearning it yourself.
Mind your own business.
Have a very Happy New Year.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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