Out and About – Week of January 9th

I would like to take the opportunity to announce my respect to all those housewives who do what they do to keep households in order. I’ve done my share of laundry in my lifetime and I’m sure I’ll never starve because I can boil water and put a meal on the table. I’m right in the middle of almost a three week stint of taking care of the household duties. My wife is currently handicapped and is unable to move around the house like she normal does. It’s up to me to make sure we are both properly fed and have clean clothes to wear. My day doesn’t end until the bed is turned down and the sink is empty of dirty dishes. Normally, we share the household duties, but I have realized that if we were to have a contest as far as running the household tasks, she would leave me in her wake. To sum this all up, I applaud all house-wives and house-husbands. If there is anyone out there who feels the same, please let your spouse know just how much she/he is appreciated.

Martin Luther King Day is Monday, January 16th. If you know of a ceremony honoring Dr. King, please try to be a part of it.

I try to take a few minutes everyday to just sit back and meditate. I usually end up taking a nap, but that time also gives my mind time to relax. In digging through my files I came across some notable quotes from some notable individuals. I’m listing several of them. Perhaps you might enjoy reading them and give your mind something to think about:

If you cannot lift the load off another’s back, do not walk away, try to lighten it.” Frank Tyger
“After the verb to love, to help is the most beautiful verb in the world.” Bertha Von Suttner
“Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation.” H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
My wife has many friends she loves to spend time with. She can work with one of them at an event, them come home and spend another forty-five minutes on the phone talking, as if they hadn’t seen each other in ages. When I’m on the phone with a buddy, we usually talk about why we called, then hang up. There are many differences between men and women. That is what makes all of us unique. Women and cats will do as they please, while men and dogs just try to relax and get used to the idea.

A week ago, I mentioned that we had dealings with Beacon Health here in Three Rivers. Our experience was fantastic and we felt that the service received was beyond our expectations. Visiting rules at many hospitals have changed over the years. At one time they were very strict, especially during our recent pandemic. If you haven’t had reason to visit someone in the hospital recently, here are a few suggestions on how to make your visit better for all involved.

Call before you go. There are times when only family members and close friends are allowed to visit hospital patients, particularly if the patient is critically ill. Stay away if you have a cold or a virus.
Keep your visit short, so as not to tire the patient.
Wear a mask even if it isn’t required.

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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