County union leader questions county commissioners

A union leader representing several St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department employees questioned the county board about not sharing a portion of federal funds the county received last year.

Greg Algier, representing Police Officers Association of Michigan and Command Officers Association of Michigan, told commissioners Tuesday he is hopeful consideration will still be given to financially rewarding the union employees.

Algier said he was led to believe the county would take his request for potential funding under advisement once commissioners had a clearer picture of how they would allocate funds.

He said both unions agreed to three-year contracts, which will expire in 2024.

Algier said he attempted follow-up conversations with county officials but, he said, his efforts were thwarted. Algier appeared before the county commission in June 2022 to reiterate his hopes for consideration of ARPA funding for the union employees.

Commissioners did not respond to Algier, per protocol of the “Public Comment” portion of the agenda.

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  1. So let me get this straight. The deputy’s union wants some of the federal funds given to St. Joseph County to “financially reward” employees? And they deserve a bonus because of what? They showed up for work? They all sang the praises of Lilywhite? How about bonuses for ALL citizens of St. Joe County? Seems much fairer.

  2. Commissioners did not respond per public comment protocol?

    I have attended county commission meetings and they have responded during public comment, directly to the individual or in general. So what protocol have they been ignoring for years?

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