Biggby is coming to Vicksburg

A nationally recognized coffee chain is on its way to Vicksburg.

Details related to a plan submitted by Biggby Coffee were addressed at Vicksburg Planning Commission’s Dec. 11 meeting.

Biggby’s site plan was given a green light and will eventually be developed at the northwest corner of East Prairie and North Richardson streets on property vacant for 30 years.

Entry to and exit from the drive-thru-only business will be as far north off Richardson as possible. In addition, the layout of the building will be designed to allow the maximum number of cars in line to prevent a backup of vehicles spilling onto Richardson, village manager Jim Mallery said.

It will have a walk-up window and feature seasonal, outdoor seating.

Mallery shared with the Planning Commission a summary of communication the village has had with the project’s Three Rivers-based developer. Mallery noted construction is expected to start in March.

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