Out and About – Week of February 26th

I’m in favor of saving as much energy as possible, in anyway I can. That’s probably why I enjoy naps so much. I also like to share ways on how to save energy with you readers. Here are four ways to save energy in the kitchen:

Cook with smaller appliances. According to the Department of Energy, a toaster or convection oven uses one-third to one-half as much energy as a full-sized oven. Slow cookers and toaster ovens are also more energy-efficient than a regular stove or oven.
Unplug any appliance that might draw a phantom energy load. Plugged-in appliances continue to draw energy even when they’re not in use. You might consider using a power strip for convenient control.
Help large appliances work less. By keeping your range-top burners clean from spills, they’ll reflect heat better. Prior to putting leftovers in the refrigerator, let them cool down and make sure they are covered. Keeping your fridge full can help it stay at a consistent temperature.
Use the dishwasher efficiently. A dishwasher uses between three to seven gallons of hot water each time it is used, so by doing only full loads and not using the “rinse hold” function, it will save you money. Also, you might open the door after the final rinse so that the dishes will dry faster.
Besides being a basketball coach in high school, Ed Johnson taught a health class. This is where the guys in the class learned how to live a cleaner and healthier life. Everything from eating the proper foods to bathing properly made up the curriculum. I think that women take better care of themselves than most men. Here are eight things that men should do every day in order to live a healthier life:

Shower and brush their teeth. Brushing your teeth should be done after every meal, but sometimes this isn’t possible, so try to do this task at least first thing in the morning and before going to bed at night. Taking a bath as a child used to be something we did twice a week, but it is recommended to do this more frequently. Just ask your friends.
Eat a balanced breakfast. I’ve covered this several times in previous columns.
Exercise at least thirty minutes a day. Working out at a gym is great, if you have the time.
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Never pass up a drinking fountain or water cooler.
Wear sunscreen.
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. A nice salad makes for a great lunch.
Limit screen time and social media. It’s really easy to get hooked on Facebook.
Get plenty of sleep. An afternoon nap is a good habit to get into.
Art Linkletter had a TV show back in the day when he would spend time talking with kids. It was quite interesting, because as Art would say, “Kids say the darndest things.” Here are a few examples that might put a smile on your face:

When is it okay to kiss someone? – “When they’re rich.” – Pam, age 7

“The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that.” – Curt, age 7

“The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do.” Howard, age 8

S H A L O M!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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