DHHS seeks foster parents

St. Joseph County Department of Health and Human Services is staging a promotional campaign in hopes of securing residents interested in serving as foster parents.

Agency officials said there are 112 children in foster care in the county but only 27 licensed foster homes. Furthermore, there are only seven foster homes licensed for children over the age of 13.

DHHS said 46 of the 112 children in foster care are teens and young adults.

Due to the low number of available options in the county, DHHS has to place more than half its foster children in care outside the county. The circumstances force these children to change schools, separate from siblings and lose friendships.

Help can be offered in the form of becoming a licensed foster parent, providing an independent-living home, providing respite for foster parents or helping DHHS recruit new foster parents.

Independent-living programs and respite do not require licensing.

More information is available from DHHS at 467-1200.

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