Airline discontinues service at Kalamazoo airport

After announcing it was temporarily discontinuing its non-stop service between Kalamazoo and Orlando, Avelo Airlines has decided to discontinue its presence at Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport.

Airport director Craig Williams said the airline’s last flight between Kalamazoo and the Orlando area was April 8. He said no flights were canceled, as Avelo simply made tickets available through April 8 and not beyond.

Williams earlier this year said Avelo scaled back its Florida flights from several Midwest locations, citing the company’s apparent desire to service the region on a seasonal basis.

The Houston-based airlines began its service between Kalamazoo and Orlando in October 2022, but has decided its temporary pause at AZO would become permanent due primarily to it not being a profitable operation.

Other Midwest markets Avelo recently chose to discontinue routes include Central Wisconsin Airport in Moisnee after just a year and Capital Region International Airport in Lansing.

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