A Generation That Will Never Come Back
It’s funny how fast life goes! I was born in 1944 and when I was growing up, hearing stories of people who were born in the 20s and 30s seemed so foreign and old to me. Now, when younger people hear that I was born in the 40s, I am considered old. The truth is, a lot of things I did when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s were experiences in which many children in today’s world will never experience.
Things that our generation did will probably never be done on a consistent level ever again.
A generation that walked to school and walked back home. A generation that did their homework alone to get outside as soon as possible to play in the street. A generation that played hide and seek when it was dark. Riding our bikes everywhere! A generation that made mudcakes. A generation that collected sports cards. Building our own treehouses. A generation who bought vinyl records to play on record players. A generation that played board games and cards on rainy days. A generation who had to go home once the street lights came on. A generation who had to come home for dinner when they heard the dinner bell ring. A generation that is passing and unfortunately, will never return.
The Three Rivers Lions Club would like to invite everyone to their upcoming pancake breakfast on Saturday, April 12, from 8 to 11 AM. The cost is just a donation of your choice. The proceeds will go toward the club’s upcoming projects and building funds. The Easter Bunny, and of course, the Lion will be there to entertain the children. The Lion’s Service Center is located at 420 Sixth Avenue in Three Rivers, directly across from Armstrong Field. Bring the family out for breakfast and bring your appetites. You will not be disappointed. You’ll be able to eat there or you can have take out.
Some things that should make you smile:
— The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
— The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
— The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
— The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble.
— Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
— Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. AMEN
— How is it possible to have a Civil War?
— If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
— Why is it called “Tourist Season” if we can’t shoot at them?
See you Out and About!
Submitted by Norm Stutesman