Tiger Kitty

IMG_6462.jpegGoodboy is still waiting for a good home, time is short.

I am a six month old male Tiger kitty and I need someone to play with! I speak nicely with everyone that comes by my cage but so far, still no home. I love to play and the attention of people just makes me so happy. Please stop by and at least visit with me, I bet if you do you will want to take me home. I can be found in pen 7 docket 11005 at the St Joe County Animal Control Shelter located at 652 E. main Street, Centreville. Animal Control is opened Monday – Friday from 9 AM – 4:30 PM. Their phone # is 269-467-6475. Up-Cycled Pets needs reliable foster homes so that some pets can leave the shelter and learn more about living in a safe home before adoption, go to www.upcycledpets.com for more information about how to help this group. Please visit the Animal Rescue Fund web site at www.arfund.org to see more adoptable pets

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