Grants awarded

The Three Rivers Area Community Foundation recently awarded more than $13,000 collectively to four area non-profit organizations during its 2013 annual grant cycle..

Three Rivers Food Site was awarded $2,800 to assist with providing area residents with basic and emergency food and personal care supplies.

The City of Three Rivers will benefit from a $2,800 grant award that will be used for the Scidmore Park Petting Zoo. The funds will allow for additional seasonal employee hours needed to care for the animals and provide additional programming to foster the wildlife conservation concepts, teaching appreciation, understanding and protection of all living things.

Five Star Life was also awarded $2,800 to help with providing more than 100 Three Rivers Middle School students with after-school mentoring, relationship and team building, academic improvement challenges, weekly personal challenges, and experiential learning opportunities for the 2014 academic year.

The foundation also approved a grant of up to $15,000 to the River Country Recreational Authority to cover the cost of Phase 1 work provided by the St. Joseph Country Road Commission.

Recipients of annual grant-cycle funds are required to provide a 25 percent fund match to show commitment, vested interest and encourage community partnerships.

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