Part-time legislature in Lansing

Only four members of the Michigan Senate have so far said they’re in support of a new proposal to make the Michigan lawmakers part-time workers. In the meantime, the petition drive to put the part-time legislature question on the statewide ballot is getting underway. Thirty of the 38 members of the Senate have been contacted so far. Of the thirty, 17 are clearly against it and seven are undecided. The four yes votes are Republicans David Hildenbrand of Lowell, Joe Hune of Hamburg, Patrick Colbeck of Canton, and John Proos of St. Joseph. Proos has been a leader in the part-time effort. He argues that currently, 36 other states have some form of part time legislature. But critics say it will create an imbalance among the three branches of government, since the Governor and the Supreme Court will remain full time jobs. They say it simply limits the voice of the people who elect legislators  (MRN)

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