A musical summer is returning to White Pigeon in 2014.
Sponsored by the White Pigeon Township Library, Summertime Tunes begins its third season Saturday, with the Whistle Pigs performing 2 to 4 p.m. at Wade Park.
Library Director Perri Saunders said the South Bend-based band has specialized in the brass/rock sound of Chicago, the Commodores, Paul Simon and contemporary artists such as Bruno Mars.
Following the Whistle Pigs, Deadwood will perform its bluegrass sound July 11 and classic rock group The Trace, from Grand Rapids, returns with a show Aug. 16 to round out the program.
There is no cost to attend any of the shows.
The White Pigeon Township Fire Department will offer food for a donation.
A special feature during this Sunday’s show will be two major announcements. First, the White Pigeon Days Citizens of the Year will be made public. Second, the recipient of the 2014 White Pigeon Community Association scholarship winner will be named.