Out and About – Week of March 19th

In the past I’ve shared some interesting facts on cucumbers. At this time, I’d like to enlighten you a little bit on maple syrup. Pancakes, waffles and French toast just aren’t the same without it, yet I do know at least one person who enjoys sausage gravy on his pancakes. I’ve never tried it, so who am I to offer an opinion? I’ve never seen him put syrup on French toast either. To each his own. Perhaps he doesn’t want to take a chance of dripping syrup on his tie. Anyway, here are some facts concerning one of my favorite toppings, maple syrup.

Maple syrup is a totally natural food.
60 ml (4 tablespoons) of maple syrup equal the same antioxidant value as a serving of broccoli.
Maple syrup supplies more than 100% of the required daily allowance of manganese, 37% of riboflavin, and 18% of zinc.
It reduces the risk of heart disease.
It has no fat.
Maple syrup is a great substitute for cane sugar and is full of antioxidants.
The only disadvantage of maple syrup, as far as I’m concerned, is that if you get any on your fingers, it is very sticky, but it does give you an excuse to lick your fingers.

One of the advantages of being retired is that you have more time to volunteer and contribute something worthwhile to your community. There are more than several boards within the city of Three Rivers that need volunteers: the Cemetery Board, Airport Board, and the Library Board, to name a few.

St. Joseph County also has several boards with vacancies, one of which is the Circle of Friends Advisory Board. This is also known as “Circle of Friends Clubhouse”. This Clubhouse Advisory Board is composed of individuals throughout St. Joe County who are willing to advocate and provide support for adults recovering from mental illness.

You might wonder what is expected of the Board Members. There are about five things that are expected of those willing to give of their time and contribute something to their community.

Help develop annual goals focusing on employment, community, advocacy, and fundraising.
Attend monthly one-hour meetings.
Give a minimum two-year commitment.
Become familiar with our members and our mission.
Participate in open houses and fundraisers.
Finally, you probably want to know exactly “What is Clubhouse?” Clubhouse offers people living with mental illness to reach their full potential. It operates on proven standards which have been developed by Clubhouse International for over twenty years. There are 320 Clubhouses worldwide, with 47 of them right here in Michigan.

For more information, or if you’re interested in becoming a part of something worthwhile, you may contact Travis at (269) 467-1923.

How do those dead bugs get into closed light fixtures?

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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