Out and About – Week of May 21st

I stay away from discussing politics and religion, because they just aren’t worth arguing about. I’d rather focus on local happenings and things that might make you feel life is definitely worth living.

I’m not sure what category this next topic might fall under. I wouldn’t bring it up if it weren’t for a letter I received from an inmate currently residing at the Richard A. Handlon Correctional Facility in Ionia, Michigan. It deals with the possible passage of House Bills 5665, 5666, and 5667. These bills were introduced by Martin Howrylak and David LaGrand. They would reinstitute “good time” for state prisoners.

According to reliable sources, the Michigan Department of Correction’s (MDOC) budget consumes 25% of Michigan’s resources. If this percentage could be reduced, a significant amount of money could be used for roads and schools. The yearly operating budget of the MDOC is over two billion dollars. This is far more than what Michigan spends on schools, police departments, and roads combined.

Dora Schriro is quoted in “Is Good time a Good idea? A Practitioner’s Perspective”, “Good time encourages prisoners to engage in pro-social behavior, such as remaining misconduct free and participating in rehabilitation programs.”

Evidently, Michigan is only one out of six states that do not offer any type of good time to its state prison population, regardless of whether it is based on meritorious conduct or earned through graduating from an educational program such as college. However, time reductions are presently available to inmates housed in Michigan’s county jails. Many Michigan voters have no idea that state prisoners sentenced after 2001 cannot earn any type of sentence reductions for good behavior, short of an extremely rare executive commutation or pardon. In other words, incarcerated people must serve their minimum no matter what they do, or how they change.

If you would like Michigan to begin a “Smart on Crime” approach, please contact your State Legislator right away and ask them to support the “Good Time” bills.

Believe me, I strongly believe that if you commit the crime, you should be prepared to do the time. I feel that our justice system is way too lenient at times. The scales of justice should be better balanced.

As promised, here are the final four fun-facts you’ll want to jot down and share with your closest friends:

There are so many kinds of apples, that if you ate a new one every day, it would take you over twenty years to try them all.
You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live eleven days without sleeping.
People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.
Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.
Next Monday is Memorial Day. There will not be any mail delivery, the banks will be closed, and the garbage trucks will not be in Three Rivers. Trash pickup will be a day late. There will be a Memorial Day parade and ceremony at Riverside Cemetery. It is a day to remember all those Armed Forces veterans who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy today. Lastly, it’s a time to fire up those patio grills and welcome the arrival of the summer season.

What is the point of brick wallpaper?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box and then is cut in the shape of a triangle?

See you Out and About!

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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