Glen Oaks plans return to in-person learning

Glen Oaks president David Devier announced Tuesday employees will return to in-person instruction next month.
Following deliberation by the Glen Oaks COVID-19 task force, committee members determined all employees are expected to return to work on campus effective July 6, Devier said.
Previously, the task force had considered a return date sometime in August, but shifted the timeline due to several changes, according to Glen Oaks. Those changes include: COVID-19 vaccine available to anyone age 12 and up sooner than anticipated; Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s emergency rule prohibiting in-person work was lifted May 23; Michigan Department of Health and Human Services orders for gatherings and face masks are scheduled to be lifted July 1; and COVID-19 case-rate has dropped significantly.
The college continues to work in a safe manner with safety protocols in place, including use of masks and daily health checks for non-vaccinated employees, Devier said.

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