Constantine to discuss assessment district

Members of the Constantine Village Council are expected to move forward with creating special-assessment districts for fire protection, police protection and ambulance services.

The move is a result of voter-backed requests sought by the village.

The three, separate proposals passed by approximately a 3-to-2 margin.

Council members are now expected to conduct a public hearing and discuss setting up the assessment district.

Village Manager Mark Honeysett said Constantine was looking to create the special assessments due to tight budgets and rising costs for each of the services, as well as major expenses in the future.

The fire department has tentative plans to construct a new station at the site of the old D&S store on Washington Street.

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  1. Maryanne Johnson

    So on top of our standard village property tax, our township taxes, our inflated water/sewer bill, and a $7 million plus sewer bond debt we will have to pay off, we get three, count them 3, additional taxes for fire, ambulance and police services originally covered by our village tax bill. All because most registered voters couldn’t be bothered to lift their noses from their toys and pot to go vote! You think inflation is hitting you hard just wait till next year when the tax bills come due.

  2. You mean the dope joints aren’t paying for this? After all the talk about the money they will add to the tax base?

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