Counselors available to help navigate Medicare and Medicaid

MMAP is Michigan’s free, unbiased resource to help navigate Medicare and Medicaid.

MMAP counselors help seniors identify insurance products that best meet their needs and lifestyle.

These insurance programs include Medicare C plan, Medicare Gap Coverage plans, Part D prescription drug plans and Medicaid applications for those eligible.

During Open Enrollment, now through Dec. 7 free counselors can be reached through area agencies, including the Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Health Department.

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One comment

  1. Hope they are actually trained and knowledgeable this time!. Not a one of the trained navigators could do as promised. Tried Three Rivers and Sturgis navigators. I knew more about using a computer than they did. One bounced me to a Centreville navigator who only dealth with VA even though I was not a veteran. She bounced me back to the same TR folks that then told me to call the state or go to Sturgis in person. I did, but that was also a joke. The navigators were not only late for the appointment, but signed me up for a company not even offering coverage in the county. Then they did it a second time, different company, same problem. That led to me being claimed by three insurance companies at once which really screws up Medicare let alone Medicaid! Took months to straighten out and left me with larger bills and only one option until the new open enrollment period.

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