Sheriff Lillywhite – One year probabtion

St. Joseph County Sheriff Mark Lillywhite was ordered to serve one year of probation after pleading guilty to a pair of misdemeanor charges related to a drunken-driving crash from earlier this year.

The 47-year-old Lillywhite appeared Monday during arraignment at the Kalamazoo County Courthouse. Lillywhite apologized to emergency personnel who responded to the Feb. 26 crash that led to his arrest in Schoolcraft Township.

Lillywhite also apologized to St. Joseph County’s citizens and employees at the St. Joseph County Sheriff’s Department.

A Flowerfield Township resident, Lillywhite pleaded to a count of operating while intoxicated and a count of carrying a weapon while under the influence of alcohol. A blood test showed his blood alcohol content level was 0.25 percent.

Attorney Michael Hills, representing Lillywhite, told Judge Richard Santoni that Lillywhite has sought and received counseling following the crash and that prosecutors did not recommend jail time.

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  1. Anybody else would have gotten jail time

  2. Kalamazoo County prosecutor – you have shown who you are and it’s not a good look. There seems to be no actual accountability for Lillywhite’s actions other than a “tsk, tsk, now go be a good boy” and it stinks to high heaven. Justice is now just about how many friends you have in government. It’s who you are and not what you did. When law enforcement lowers the bar this far it just becomes a good old boys club where they get to ride around in a car with lights and eat donuts (and judging from some of the deputies I’ve seen maybe too many). A years probation is like giving him a time-out. If anything he should have had the book thrown at him due to his position. I’m waiting for the next story about someone with a DUI. I’ll guarantee you it won’t look like this.

  3. Craig, you are spot on with your assessment of this situation. It’s exactly like what Gomer Pyle said on the Andy Griffith show. There are two sets of laws, one for the police and one for regular citizens. St. Joseph County is notorious for corrupt sheriff’s and it appears Kalamazoo County follows suit.

  4. Once again we’re making legal news across the country for our letting our former county prosecutor, current county commissioner, and now our county sheriff skate on dui/oui and gun violations. Lie to us again about the higher standard our officials adhere to.

  5. A blood alcohol limit of .25!
    How many drinks is BAC?
    A 180 pound person does this by drinking 10 drinks in 2 hours. All mental, physical and sensory functions are severely impaired.

    How much is 0.25 BAC?
    0.25 BAC: All mental, physical and sensory functions are severely impaired. Increased risk of asphyxiation from choking on vomit and of seriously injuring yourself by falls or other accidents.

    And he skates with probation? And keeps his job?


    Read the chart. There’s only 1 level above .25 -3.0 BAC and that’s coma.

    He didn’t reach such a level from casual first-time drinking. Ask our former prosecutor.

  7. I looked up the Michigan Impared Driving Law.

    If BAC is .17 or higher and this is a first offense:

    Up to $700 fine.Up to 180 days in jail. Up to 360 hours of community service. Up to one year license suspension. 6 points on a driver’s license. Mandatory completion of an alcohol treatment program. Ignition interlock use and compliance after 45 days. License suspension is required to receive a restricted driver’s license. Convicted drunk drivers have limited driving privileges, are prohibited from operating a vehicle without an approved and properly installed ignition interlock device, and are responsible for all installation and upkeep costs for the device.

    Anyone who refuses a breath test the first time is given an automatic one-year driver’s license suspension. For a second refusal within seven years, the suspension is two years.

    Convicted drunk drivers are subject to a $1,000 penalty for two consecutive years under the Driver Responsibility Act, for a total of $2,000 in additional costs.

    Read MLive or go to Lehto’s Law to learn more of what this sheriff did during his latest incident!

  8. He didn’t even have to appear before one of the successful problem-saving courts for drug abusers? Alcohol is a drug you know.

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