Man bound over to circuit court in rape case

St. Joseph County District Court Judge David Pattison bound over Miguel Hernandez-Ruiz to circuit court Wednesday to stand trial for the alleged March 20 rape of two grade-school sisters in their home.

Three weeks after the first half-day of preliminary examination testimony, St. Joseph County prosecutor David Marvin presented the final pieces of evidence needed to convince Pattison that there was enough evidence – without an actual in-court identification – for Hernandez-Ruiz to stand trial.

Both the 6-year-old and the 8-year-old victims took the stand to try to tell what happened in the early morning hours of March 20, when a man came into their mother’s bedroom where they slept at their Fawn River Township residence.

Neither could pick out Hernandez-Ruiz in court as the attacker.

Defense attorney Ross Truckey objected to the bind-over due to the lack of identification of his client as the attacker.

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