County emergency repair program applications available

St. Joseph County has nearly $40,000 to offer anyone in need of home improvements, and finance director Angie Steinman said there are circumstances under which repayment is not necessary.

Overseen by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Emergency Repair Program offers county residents with legitimate home-repair needs up to $2,500 with no obligation to repay.

Steinman said a consultant is in charge of handling requests.

For services in excess of $2,500, the family receiving the help has to pay it back – interest free – when the property changes title, Steinman said.

Some things to know about the offer: St. Joseph County residents only are eligible to participate; an application must be completed; income must be at or below 80 percent of the area’s median income; property taxes must not be delinquent and funds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, to name a few.

Details about the Emergency Repair Program are available on the county’s website. More information is available through Steinman’s office: 467-5631.

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