Out and About – Week of February 3rd

I was discharged from Borgess Hospital on January 15th after a successful Open Heart surgery and have been recuperating at home for the past several weeks. I won’t be able to drive for another week or so and am receiving the best home-care a person could possibly ask for.

My experience at Borgess was nothing less than spectacular. From the physicians to the nursing staff, I felt I was treated to the same, if not better, care as the President of the United States would receive at Walter Reed Medical in Washington, D.C. My recovery is progressing as normal as can be expected for an 80 year old male. I’m looking forward to getting back to the same energy level I had six months ago.

I feel truly blessed in receiving the many cards and get well wishes sent to me by friends and my church family. I bear witness to the fact that there is a God and he does answer prayers. I thank God for the opportunity to experience more time in this world and above all, I thank Him for blessing me with so many friends and a very loving family.

Ten Signs You’re Old

A stretch now ends with “What the Hell was that?”
When someone used to say to us “I’ll turn this car around and go home.” It was a threat, now we hope it’s a promise.
We brag about making good time on road trips, and we really brag when we beat the ETA, because we take that as a challenge.
Regardless of how hot it is when we leave the house, we always bring a jacket or a hoodie with us, just in case.
Sneezing or bending down now includes some cursing.
“Pulling an all-nighter” now is not having to get up once during the night to go to the bathroom.
Putting on socks standing up without falling over has now become very challenging, and there’s a feeling of accomplishment when we can do this.
The excitement we had when we had plans to go out as teenagers is the same excitement we have now when plans to go out are canceled.
We get jealous of anyone on TV or in a movie when they’re in bed sleeping.
Our Grandparents were right all along, the music is too loud
Looking forward to getting Out and About and seeing everyone very soon.

Submitted by Norm Stutesman

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