Out and About Blog by Norm Stutesman

Out and About – Week of December 25th

This is the final column for 2023, so because this year has been filled with so much stress and worry, I’d like to have the column dedicated to items of a less serious note. We are all getting Out and About with family, so I won’t remind you of any special events that might be happening during this holiday season, …

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Out and About – Week of December 18th.

Winter officially begins this Thursday, December 21. This is my favorite day of the year, because on this date, the days start getting a little longer. Rumor has it that the chances of us having a white Christmas are slim. This does not break my heart, but I do have sympathy to those of you with children and grandchildren who …

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Out and About – Week of December 11th

One hundred years ago, everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today, everyone has a car and only the rich have horses. If you are planning on sending Christmas gifts to family and friends via the U.S. Postal Service, now would be a great time to start taking those packages to the post office. The long lines …

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Out and About – Week of December 4th

This first week of December is filled with several historical dates to remember. December 5. The Somalia Campaign began in 1992. December 7. In 1941, the Japanese attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It was a day that went down in infamy. The very next day, December 8, 1941, the United States declared war on the empire of …

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Out and About – Week of November 28th

Now that Thanksgiving is in the history books for this year, it’s time to get started on the Christmas shopping. Most of the time our shopping adventures go smoothly, but every so often, we hit a speed-bump and need to deal with someone in Customer Service. Should that happen, you might want to check out some of these suggestions so …

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Out and About – Week of November 20th

The Holiday Season will soon be upon us. It seems that every year merchants are getting ready for the holiday shopping season earlier and earlier. Thanksgiving is this week, and Black Friday begins the day after Thanksgiving, however I’ve seen ads on television for Black Friday sales for at least the last several weeks. It seems that Black Friday is …

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Out and About – Week of November 13th

The first television I remember having, was a seventeen inch, black and white table model that my parents bought at the Firestone store here in Three Rivers. We got it back in the fifties. Back then, we could get channel three in Kalamazoo and channel eight in Grand Rapids. Cable wasn’t around yet, but we did have a roof-mounted antenna …

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Out and About – Week of November 6th

Being retired usually means you don’t have any time to work, because you are too busy with other things. This reasoning fits me perfectly. I find myself too wrapped up in volunteering and find it difficult to even get out of town for a few days. I’ve been doing this column since 2006 and try to keep everyone informed on …

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Out and About – Week of October 30th

The Riviera Theatre and Bar would like to invite everyone to a special benefit concert for the Three Rivers Promise. This Saturday, November 4, Mick Kolassa and the Endless Blues Band will take the stage at the historic Riviera Theatre, 48 North Main Street in downtown Three Rivers. The lights go up at 7:30 PM. Three Rivers Area Mentoring (TRAM) …

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Out and About – Week of October 23rd

We have a lot of construction going on in our neighborhood. A new house, several doors down, is almost completed. Our next door neighbors will soon be having their house improved with a lot of remodeling. It’s fascinating to watch construction, especially knowing that we’re not paying for it. A bonus for us is that our property value will probably …

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