Around Town

When is a good time to tell the truth?

The obvious answer is always, of course! I will say that I have not always been honest and a few little mistruths might have crept out of my mouth every now and then. Very few times, mind you! But in any event, I admit that I have told a few stories in my time. I hate to say it, but …

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Three Kittens

Lacey has been adopted. We are three four month old male kittens. We have been having a great time here today. You see, there are three humans with us and they think that they are going to get us to all look in the same direction! They are so funny. If you are up for some good clean fun please …

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Out and About – Week of July 16th

Some rumors can be very upsetting. Rumor has it that the pizza establishment, located in Marketplace North, in Three Rivers, has been sold. What are we going to do about that? The pizza is so good, and the daily buffet is such a bargain. Life will not be worth living anymore. RELAX! The name is the only thing that will …

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The Girls were adopted, together! Hi, I am Lacey, a very happy four year old female Beagle/Sheltie mix. I need to go get my operation as soon as I find my new home. I have been here for a very long time and it is hard for me because I have to wait for someone can take me outside and …

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Out and About – Week of July 9th

I thought I’d never think that an 80-degree day was a relief, but compared to last week’s temperatures, which ended up in triple digits, 80 degrees feels pretty good. I don’t recall a lot of power outages in the Three Rivers area, but I’m sure there were plenty in southwestern Michigan. A huge round of applause goes out to those …

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Baby, it’s HOT outside!

You don’t need a meteorologist to tell you that it is hot outside. It isn’t even hot, it is unbearable. In fact, a quick stroll out to get the trash can the other morning resulted in me breaking out in a sweat after just stepping a few feet outside my door! We often complain that our meteorologists get paid too …

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Bonnie still waits for her forever person. We are the girls. We are four year old female Beagles. We were picked up stray so our ages may be off, we could be mother and daughter. They say that we are like 2 peas in a pod. We are joyful girls and very happy when nice people stop to play with …

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Out and About – Week of July 2nd

Wednesday is the fourth of July, but it’s not the weekend, it’s the middle of the week. This sort of messes up my schedule. It’ll be Wednesday, but it will seem like Saturday. Any way you look at it, Wednesday is a holiday, which means there will be no mail, no newspaper, no trash pickup, and the banks will be closed. Speaking …

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Walking in his shoes

Have you ever walked a mile in someone else’s shoes? You hear people say that all the time, “until you have walked a mile in my shoes, you have no idea what I am going through” or something along those lines. Obviously, that task is not as easy as it seems since we all wear different size shoes, but that …

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Little Snowball is STILL waiting. Hi, my name is Bonnie. And they say that I am a Bonnie little girl, you see I am a two year old tri-colored female Walker Hound. I am a bit shy but if you just give me a little time and space I will warm right up to you. I like people, just want …

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