A potential wastewater-improvement project could be one of the recommendations from a company Sturgis municipal officials hired this week to map out a 20-year plan for their infrastructure service. City leaders on Wednesday voted to contract with engineering firm Fleis & VandenBrink to begin the city’s wastewater needs for the next 20 years. The $43,000 study will help city leaders …
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Snow moves through area
The overnight snow that hit St. Joseph and other counties in Southwest Michigan prompted the city of Sturgis to issue a reminder about snow emergencies. A snow emergency in the city of Sturgis goes into effect when accumulation reaches four inches or more. During a snow emergency, no vehicles may be parked on city streets. The measure is put into …
Read More »Training For New Appointees
Members of three city boards in Three Rivers will be expected to take training shortly after their appointment, Mayor Tom Lowry and city commissioners decided Tuesday. The training will be required of new members who join the city’s Historic Preservation Commission, the Planning Commission and the Board of Appeals. Lowry indicated recommendations made by the three panels are important and …
Read More »Sturgis: No Vehicles On Streets
The weekend’s snowstorm serves as a reminder that a snow emergency in the city of Sturgis goes into effect when accumulation reaches four inches or more. During a snow emergency, no vehicles may be parked on city streets. The measure is put into place to allow snow-removal trucks to clear the streets and treat icy patches without interference from vehicles …
Read More »New Jobs May Be In Store
American Axle and Manufacturing appears to be in store for a new product line that could generate at least 200 new jobs at the Three Rivers plant. Company officials said the local plant would benefit from American Axle’s $1.1 billion overall corporate expansion to create components for a passenger/crossover vehicle being developed and introduced by a yet-unnamed manufacturer. A public …
Read More »Constantine Agrees To Tax Exemption
Constantine village officials this week approved a 12-year, 50 percent abatement of about $55 million in equipment and building improvements to a prospective new tenant at the former Rexam packaging plant. During Wednesday’s special meeting, the council agreed to support the tax exemption sought by Indiana-based Nature’s Fuel. The company converts scrap wood into marketable bio-fuels. The Rexam plant closed …
Read More »Sturgis To Get New Vehicles
The city of Sturgis will have a fleet of five new vehicles, following action taken recently by members of the city commission. The new vehicles and departments to which they will be assigned are a Ford Focus for the electric department; two Dodge Charger vehicles for the police department; a pickup for the wastewater department and a mower to be …
Read More »Sturgis Balances Population
Sturgis municipal officials have made two minor changes in order to more equally balance populations in its four city precincts. Prior to action the city took last week, the difference between the most and least populated precincts was about 400 people. The discrepancy was between Sturgis’ first and second precincts. Commissioners agreed to redistrict two blocks from Precinct 1 to …
Read More »Constantine Looking For Input
Constantine Township officials are seeking input from its residents regarding road maintenance and improvements. Township officials said a survey in the latest newsletter will help guide them in deciding what roads need attention and in what manner. A survey question also asks if the township should consider adopting a special assessment dedicated specifically toward road-related maintenance and improvements. The township …
Read More »Nature’s Fuel Coming To Constantine
Constantine village officials were told Monday that an Indiana-based company is expecting to close soon on the purchase of the former Rexam plant in the village’s industrial park. During a public hearing at Monday’s village council meeting, officials from Nature’s Fuel said a few legal matters are being reviewed by their legal team. Glenn Johnson, chief operating officer, said the …
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