Recent Posts

Out and About – Week of June 8th

     I’ve noticed over the past couple of weeks that some folks seem to be unaware that Water Festival happens this week. I don’t expect everyone to possess the interest that I have, but you’d think that, with all the newspaper and radio publicity that’s been out there lately, more would be aware of the fact that this week the …

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Out and About – Week of June 1st

     The 53rd Annual Three Rivers Water Festival is in its final planning stages. Everything seems to be coming together, as it always does, and the only thing that might hurt us is the weather. So, if you haven’t already done so, mark your calendar for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 18 through 20. From the first ox roast sandwich …

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Out and About – Week of May 18

 There’s a note at the bottom of this column every week. It states that we are the proud parents of more than one cat. I was going to use the term “owner”, but as everyone knows, no one owns a cat. The cat owns us. We couldn’t be happier as a family. Meezer never asks to borrow the car, and …

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Out and About – Week of May 11th

     A belated Happy Mother’s Day to those mothers out there who didn’t read last week’s column. I hope that you all had a wonderful memorable day and were treated the way you should be treated 365 days a year.      This evening will be a special one for Charlene Zavala, this year’s Citizen of the Year, chosen by the …

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Out and About – Week of April 27

     I must start out by clearing the air. Several people have asked me if I plan to retire from the column. I reassured them that I have no desire to cease authoring “Out and About”. The enjoyment I receive from putting this column together is beyond measure. The relationship I have with the Commercial News couldn’t be better. I …

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Out and About – Week of April 20

     The Three Rivers Lions Club wishes to thank those who stopped by during their open house this past Friday afternoon and early evening. Future informational events are in the works, so watch this column so that you can plan to attend the next one. For more information on joining the Lions, please contact Lion Dean at 273-8092. My father …

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Out and About – Week of April 13

   I’m a week late, but better late than never, as the saying goes. This month, and every April from now on, is somewhat special to me. In April 2006, the first “Out and About” column appeared in the Commercial News. If your math is as good as mine is, it means that I am starting my fourth year as …

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Out and About – Week of April 6

     This is a special week. If you’re a student here in St. Joe County, you’re on spring break. If you’re a student with money, you’re not here in St. Joe County, but you’re probably contributing to the economy of Florida, Mexico, or some other locale where the sun is shining and the temperature is in the eighties. If you’re …

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Out and About – Week of March 30

 April 1. Besides being “All Fools Day”, it’s also the day that the Three Rivers High School Band and Vocal Music DepartmentS leave on their trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. They have held many fundraisers in order to fund this trip and have been successful in doing so. For that, they thank all of you who supported them …

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Out and About – Week of March 23

     I don’t know about you, but I am very happy that spring has finally arrived. The only positive thing about winter, as far as I’m concerned, is that the snow puts the much- needed nitrogen into the ground. Spring is the time of rebirth. The trees come alive with buds, and it won’t be long before we’ll have the …

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