Recent Posts

Out and About – Week of September 19th

The St. Joseph County Grange Fair is now in progress. It’s too early to tell how the fair will do as far as profit margins and attendance are concerned. A lot depends on the weather. Usually “Fair Week” means plenty of rain, which is a shame, but this is Michigan and this is September. The entertainment is top notch, the …

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Out and About – Week of September 12th

This past weekend was a mixture of sadness and celebration. Saturday the funeral for Three Rivers Fire Lt. Erika Bloomfield was held. She fought the bravest battle with cancer, but finally succumbed last week. I’ve heard more than once that she had “spunk”, and during my brief time of working with her, I found that to be true. She didn’t …

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Out and About – Week of September 5th

As promised, here are the answers to last week’s trivia questions: The Russians celebrate the October Revolution in November. The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after dogs (canines). King George’s first name was Albert. We get cat gut from sheep and horses. I hope that everyone enjoyed a safe and relaxing Labor Day weekend. I don’t know where …

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Out and About – Week of August 29th

Back in the day, there were about 21 gas stations in the Three Rivers area. Self-service didn’t exist, and you would get your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and have your tire pressure checked. It also wasn’t uncommon to tell the station attendant to put in a buck’s worth of gasoline. The latter is very difficult to do these days. There …

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Out and About – Week of August 22nd

The Carnegie Center for the Arts thanks all involved in their recent Summer Full of Art. It was a huge success with over 150 students of all ages taking a variety of classes in art and music. The classes were directed by seven teachers and four student assistants. Students are invited to check with the Carnegie next summer and join …

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Out and About – Week of August 15th

Ahh, summer. Summer is swimming in a refreshing pool, hot dogs or burgers on a grill, chilled watermelon, and a glass of lemonade so cold that it’s difficult to hold on to the glass. Summer is also a nice meal consisting of a fresh garden salad. My doctor would opt for the latter. If a fresh salad tickles your taste …

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Out and About – Week of August 8th

This last May, a new pet foster care network called “Up-Cycled Pets” was formed. Last Sunday, August 7, a “Meet and Greet” adoption event was held at the TSC store in Sturgis. Another “Meet and Greet” adoption event is scheduled for this Saturday, August 13, at the Diamond Creek Country Store in Three Rivers. The store is located on Johnnycake …

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Out and About – Week of August 1st

Welcome to the “Dog Days of August”. August is the last month of summer vacation for students, it doesn’t have any holidays, and it is the month when Lake Michigan is finally warm enough for a comfortable swim. Oh yes, it is usually the warmest month of the year. Michigan’s weather, in my mind, is probably the best around; however, …

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Out and About – Week of July 25th

It seems we’re experiencing a break from the extreme heat. Enjoy the milder weather, because I’m sure the high heat index will return; after all, we still have August ahead of us. Now is the time to check the air conditioner and review a few safety items before the real hot and humid days arrive. Make sure your pet has …

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Out and About – Week of July 18th

Usually, I use this column to inform you of things going on in and around the Three Rivers area. For the past two weeks I’ve really been Out and About. We’ve just returned from a road trip to Seattle, Washington. The purpose of the trip was to attend the Lions International Convention. We learned many things during our two-week excursion. …

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