Recent Posts

Out and About – Week of May 23rd

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. It’s a special time for everyone. It’s an opportunity to do some traveling, camping, or just hanging around the old homestead and getting yard work done. In Three Rivers there will be a short parade, followed by a ceremony at Riverside Cemetery. If you’re in the area, please make the time to watch the …

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Out and About – Week of May 16th

It’s refreshing to see people getting out and about more, now that the weather has improved a great deal from a couple of months ago. One doesn’t need even a jacket or sweatshirt when venturing outside. Kudos to those who take the time to take their dogs for long walks, or, as a family, put some miles on their bicycles. …

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Out and About – Week of May 9th

The community theatre world has lost a very dedicated thespian. Last week, Karen Ruhlig was killed in an auto accident near Kalamazoo. A lot of the details were made public, but I thought I’d add a few more facts that most people may not know. Karen was a rather private person; there were only a few who knew her really …

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Out and About – Week of May 2nd

I don’t know where the month of April went, but for me, it was gone before I realized it was here. And talk about April showers! I won’t even get into that. Diane, of Mobile Bike Repair, has come up with a great idea. She has organized Saturday morning bike rides. Starting this next Saturday, May 7, and continuing every …

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Out and About – Week of April 25th

This evening belongs to George Cole. In case you are not aware, George is this year’s Three Rivers Lions Club Citizen of the Year. This evening is the banquet that will honor the person known as “The King of Volunteers”. He has served for many years with the Three Rivers Lions Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, and if …

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Out and About – Week of April 11th

As you travel the major highways around the county, you’ll probably notice the volunteers out picking up the litter alongside the highway. I’m pretty sure that this last weekend was the first of three times that volunteers pick up the litter each year. They are easy to identify, because they should be wearing iridescent green vests. They usually have a …

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Out and About – Week of April 4th

Good gravy! I’ve been doing this column for five years, which means that this column starts off my sixth year of trying to keep you readers informed of how to have fun by getting Out and About. It is definitely a labor of love. You’d think that I’d have run out of things to write about by now, but thanks …

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Out and About – Week of March 28th

It is sometimes difficult to realize that it is now spring. Whether you realize it or not, spring actually arrived a week ago last Sunday, March 20. A lot of you fishermen, or should I say “fisherpeople”, who didn’t do any ice fishing this past season, are probably arranging your tackle boxes and double-checking you reels and lines so as …

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Out and About – Week of March 21st

I couldn’t start this column without first congratulating the Lady Wildcats for giving all of us fans a tremendous season. You played like champions all season long, and Saturday evening you fell to defeat, but you did so like only champions would do. You’ll never forget this season for as long as you live. I’m sure I’m speaking for all …

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Out and About – Week of March 14th

Congratulations to the Lady Cats for returning home from Gull Lake as Regional Champions. Tonight they travel to Grand Rapids to show Grand Rapids Catholic Central how to play basketball. If they win tonight and again on Thursday, there will be a game Friday evening, which could mean that the box office at Three Rivers High School will be busy, …

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